Hip hip hooray.
Getting bridge e with it.
Headstands help with fatigue, increase circulation, and is a heated poses which should be practiced before backbends. Now is the time to use your head.
Twists help digestion and spine compression issues, strengthen muscles, improve posture, and to prepare shoulders/back for back bends. Twist and shout, in a good way!
Here are some healthy pointers on doing breathwork.
Childs, bridge, and handstand
Start with a solid foundation while practicing standing poses. For chair pose, feet together and the heels center directly behind the second toe.
Five poses to relieve lower back pain.
1. Cat/Cow
2. Down Dog
3. Spinal Twist
4. Chair Pose
5. Standing Forward Bend
The pelvic region is associated with desire, imagination, emotions, and sexuality.
Color: Orange
Location: Abdomen
Poses: Triangle and Forward Bends
Practice these poses with the intent to release the areas of imbalances such as jealousy, addictions, or low back pain. You can envision more balance, the color orange, and the abdomen area.
If you want to find out, place one hand on your chest, the other on your belly, then breathe in and out. Where do you feel your body rise the most? Being aware of where our breath goes is a great first step to regulating it.
For proper respiration, especially during stressful stimuli, focus on abdominal breathing. Slow, even, and deep inhales and exhales. In through the mose and feel the belly rise. Then, breathe out and feel the belly contract.
The heart region is associated with love and self-love. It's basis is relationships.
Color: Green
Location: Heart
Poses: Backbends
With intent to release any painful emotions about yourself or others and then to think happier emotions than the previous ones released.
You can practice variation poses of backbrnds, envision the color green, and the heart area.
Poses that release the gluteous maximus, hips, and piriformis muscle help to relieve sciatic pain.
Three poses from easiest to hardest are thread the needle > sitting cross legged pose > sitting cross legged pose with feet on top of legs.
Practice with happy thoughts for the specific area where discomfort is present.